Why Digital Assurance?
Adoption and adaptation are the keys to staying competitive in the business sphere. Adopting new technologies or strategies and adapting to market disruptions or changes in the way how businesses are conducted. With changing needs and preferences from time to time new waves of disruption originate and demand businesses to catch up with it to provide their customers with the best experience. Now it’s the disrupting wave of digital transformation.
With growing Digital Transformation adoption, services nowadays are demanded at a record high delivery speed, to hit the market first and reap its benefits. Besides fulfilling all demands, assuring a high degree of customer experience is considered of paramount importance. Because despite meeting performance, functionality, and security requirements, failing to provide the best user experience will make the product less attractive and thus end up as a failed product. By default, assuring security and increasing the value chain are also inevitable.
The digital transformation with wider demands created a seismic shift in quality assurance (QA). In QA, only the features and functionalities are tested against customer requirements and expectations. To cope with growing requirements and expectations, QA has evolved into digital quality assurance or digital assurance (DA). Though DA has evolved from QA, it is significantly different and far more advanced with a wider scope than traditional QA.
Importantly, the growing traction of digital transformation clearly signals the market is on the cusp of transforming to Digital Assurance. So, it is imperative for any organization to adopt a Digital Assurance practice. Because early adopters can have an edge in the future market and stay ahead of the competition. Whereas, staying with traditional QA may make an industry’s journey unsustainable in the future and can be left behind in the competitive sphere if not adopted quickly.
How Digital Assurance differs from Quality Assurance?
First and foremost, DA tests the system as a whole, not just a peer product, because applications work and interact as a system. A tracking device on a car, for example, interacts with a cloud application, a personal mobile phone, and servers, all of which function as an ecosystem. Hence, DA ensures the seamless functioning of the ecosystem as a whole.
The second is that DA will not be confined to app testing in the domains of Social, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud (SMAC), Internet of Things (IoT), BigData, and other related fields. Beyond that, it ensures that the digital transformation projects implemented produce the expected business outcome. In addition, as a steward of the customer experience and brand, it strives to provide a consistent and seamless experience while also addressing the needs of the customers. Along with the functional validations necessary for SMAC, digital assurance solutions should incorporate network capabilities, interoperability, optimal performance, and improved security.
DA uses analytics to transform the current QA model. Currently, QA works on a descriptive matrix, i.e., capturing and reporting, i.e., retrospective. Whereas the DA uses analytics to drive models from the data and perform predictive analysis, transforming QA.
Though processes like Robotic Process Automation perform automated assurance, QA is intended to perform life cycle automation. But, the goal of DA is much more comprehensive, i.e., to make the assurance horizon end-to-end automated.
Now, we may infer that, in response to increased demand in the digital era, quality assurance has evolved into digital assurance, with the assurance model still dealing with many changes ranging from life cycle models to technology, tools, people, and processes.
The actual story of Digital assurance starts here.
To know more about our services kindly write back us to digital_assurance@changepond.com