Innovation in your hands Low-code / No-code

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New technological disruptions are transforming the way how values are created for the customer. A widespread revolution is taking place in terms of speed and cost dynamics with the advent of technologies like Cloud, mobile, and SaaS…

Why Digital Assurance?

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Adoption and adaptation are the keys to staying competitive in the business sphere. Adopting new technologies or strategies and adapting to market disruptions or changes in the way how businesses are conducted. With changing need and preferences from time..

RPA and Blockchain

rba and blackchain

Robotic process automation in simple terms is the automation of manual and repetitive tasks using a software bot. It mimics human activities and the bot interacts with multiple systems to automate an array of processes.

Are RPA results really that Cool?

Are RPA results really that Cool

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has been the buzz word for some time now but does it deserve the attention that it’s gaining around the globe? For non-IT users RPA is nothing but mimicking human…